Far Away Places Archive

Cost-Free Holiday Entertainment Ideas

Holidaymakers and tourists usually plan their getaways well in advance, even going as far as booking accommodation early so as to take advantage of some early-bird savings, if any of those are available. Part of the planning process does indeed involve the budget and the financial dynamics surrounding your trip, which can actually be said […]


Top 5 Reasons to Visit Las Vegas This Weekend

Las Vegas has long been known as sin city for its abundance of indulgence and dens of temptation. For those looking to get wild during a bachelor party, Vegas was often the preferred location, but what about for those who simply want a new experience? Las Vegas offers so much more than just basic drinking […]


Vacation in Tel Aviv: Meet the City of Summer

Tel Aviv is the second largest city of Israel. It has the largest metropolitan area and it is home to most of the foreign embassies. It is a rapidly growing city. Tel Aviv is the cultural and commercial headquarter of Israel. It is a very safe city to visit but one has to beware of […]


Best time of the year to visit Bucharest

One of the biggest reasons why we love to travel so much is the fact that as many times as you can visit just one destination, every other visit will almost never be the same as any previous one. You can book the exact same accommodation and even take part in the same activities you […]


Why Rehab in Malibu is the Best Option

When searching out a rehabilitation center, there are many factors to consider. The strength of the program and the success rates and stories that come out of that particular rehab center are definitely important, but the other factors involved can determine whether that place is right for you or your loved one.


4 Ways to Have Fun in Vanuatu

Vanuatu, officially known as the Republic of Vanuatu, is a beautiful archipelago located about 1,750 kilometers east of Northern Australia. Filled with almost 250,000 joyful and hospitable residents, this island nation of 82 small islands of volcanic origin, in which 65 are inhabited, is one of the must-visit tourist destinations of today. With its rich […]


7 Exotic destinations to visit in Turkey – The bridge between East and the West

This article will speak about literally the center of the world, Turkey, the place where the Bosphorus runs through Europe and Asia within the stunning and splendid city of Istanbul. It has indeed been acknowledged by most people that there’s no such place in the entire world which fuses both East and the West with […]