More and more people are able to work remotely without ever having to visit the office. While that might mean working from home for many employees, others take the fullest advantage possible by becoming digital nomads. Instead of staying put, they travel the world while retaining all the financial advantages of a 9 to 5.
If you’re one of them or are thinking of joining their ranks, accommodation is one of the first things you’ll need to consider. Here are just a few reasons to book serviced apartments instead of hotels.
Place to Work
The main issue digital nomads tend to run into with hotels is that they just aren’t made for working in. Okay, a hotel room might be fine for a day or two, but not for your office on the road. In contrast, a serviced apartment will provide a large laptop-friendly workplace where you can get everything done in peace, quiet, and comfort.
Place to Relax
If you’re staying put for more than a couple of days and using your accommodation more as a place to live than a basecamp from which to explore, a hotel room will quickly start feeling cramped. A serviced apartment will be more spacious, so you won’t get cabin fever when you need to stay in all day.
Great Long-Term Deals
Some digital nomads only spend a couple of days in each place, but it’s more common to stay put for at least a couple of weeks. While most hotels will be glad to put you up that long, they’re not going to make it worth your while. In general, serviced apartment providers prefer when guests stay longer, so they tend to offer attractive special rates when you’re visiting for longer than a couple of weeks.