Unless your very first consciously planned trip was done so with some valuable advice, chances are with every other trip you take, you realise just how much money you could previously have saved. That’s how you learn though and although every seasoned traveller can point to very few recent occasions in which they paid the full price for just about anything to do with travel, they too had to start somewhere. It’s almost an unwritten law of travelling nowadays that the only time you pay the full price is probably when you’re organising things at the last minute. This is particularly true for leisure travellers since company-sponsored travellers who are on the move for business purposes usually revel in being able to choose luxurious options at the expense of their company. Flying business class for instance is really nice, but only if you’ve not had to pay for it out of your own pocket. Seasoned travellers on the other hand will make-do with economy class, most likely so that they can have more money to spend on the activities which will make their experience of their destination more memorable.
Where to Find the Best Deals & Discounts
The bargaining experience that comes with being a seasoned traveller is honed over time, but it can be a skill which can be developed very quickly. The best deals and discounts are available to those who take the time to weigh up their options. Often all it takes to turn what could otherwise have been a short two-day trip into a prolonged ten-day vacation is asking. It doesn’t always have to be direct – merely asking a travel agent to perhaps put you on their mailing list could land you some unbelievable savings on just about every aspect of your next and subsequent trip. Between that discount coupon code for hotels.com, a cancelled plane ticket re-allocated to you, and a free introductory spot given to you as part of new establishment’s opening, seasoned travellers are almost offended if they’re ever required to pay full price on anything really.
Avoiding Scams
When it comes to super-saver deals and discounts for travellers, the line between scams and insane (but real) deals is so fine that at times you may even lose out on deals because they just seem way too good to be true. Yes, some are indeed too good to be true, but the seasoned traveller has learned to follow-up on just about every lead in order not to risk losing out on discounts which can sometimes go all the way up to 100%. One trick to use is the book-now-pay-later check, where if it’s a new travel agency or discounts website you’re using, you complete the booking and then check that off against the original providers’ (like a hotel) availability. Usually if you sign up to a specific discounts website or travel agency, then you don’t need to worry about getting a wool pulled over your eyes. There are indeed some insane savings up for grabs and they’re available to those travellers who take the time to actively seek them out.
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