In this post, you’ll find out how to make your home eco-friendlier place. From the kitchen to the garden, here are some things you can do, to improve your home for the sake of the environment.
Our planet is at a crucial stage, where we need to do everything we can to help nature. With the build-up of plastic waste, the burning fossil fuels and more, it’s high time we started doing our part to be eco-friendly. However, this is no new thing. There’s been hundreds of developments that have revolutionised the environmentally conscious front. Thousands of companies over the world have taken the necessary steps to ensure that they do their part too.
But, when it comes to your home, are you doing everything you can do? There’s so many small changes you can make to your home that can have a positive impact on the environment. From using cabinets with less timber in to planting trees in your garden, if everyone did a little more, it would be greatly beneficial to the planet and the eco-system.
In this post, we’re going to outline the simple things you can do, around your home, that will make your home eco-friendlier. Here’s our top 4 picks:
- Your Furniture
Whilst it may be ever so appealing to have real and fully wooden cabinets and furniture everywhere, especially in a kitchen, it’s not great for the environment. Thanks to mass deforestation to meet the high demand for real wood products, the eco system has suffered. Trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere, meaning us humans can breathe and survive.
With this in mind, if you’re looking to replace your kitchen cabinets but love the look of wood, consider using a blended material. For example, Rotpunkt kitchens use 37% less timber in their cabinets and units. This means that you can still have the beautiful finish and quality of wood, without bumping up the demand for oaks and other wood – which would lead to more trees being cut down. The quality of these products is astounding, and really stand the test of time. So, you won’t be replacing them anytime soon.
If you’re looking to make over your kitchen, try using environmentally friendly materials in your home – like Rotpunkt provide.
- Your Roof
The top floor of your home is likely lacking when it comes to insulation. A large percentage of the heat your central heating generates is lost straight out of your roof, whilst the loft is likely the hottest place during the summer, meaning you can’t get any cool air circulating. Think about installing a fiberglass chopped strand mat in your loft to help regulate the temperature of the rooms below. There are also other materials you can use such as sheep wool or foam, but even just a little insulation is better than none and will help to bring your heating bills right down.
- Your Garden
Like we’ve already mentioned, trees are essential parts for the production of oxygen around the world. Oxygen is essential for all life on earth, especially ours! So, what can you do in your home? Well, by purchasing plants and trees to plant in your garden, you can contribute positively to oxygenising the environment.
Caring for plants and trees (watering them), is a great way to relieve stress as well as care for something that needs minimal maintenance. All they need is water and a bit of sunlight to grow and flourish, so it’s one of the easiest things you can do for your environment – without re-doing your whole kitchen!
Planting tree and plants in your garden at home is an excellent way to improve oxygen levels and welcome wildlife too! Save the bees and all that!
- Your Power
One of the biggest contributors to environmental change over the years is the burning of fossil fuels to create power. Burning petrol and coal to generate electricity is one massive contributor to the build-up of pollution around the globe. Whilst the geniuses of the world have come up with solar, tidal and wind power, not all companies are fully reliant on using these sustainable resources.
However, there are things you can do in your home to reduce power consumption. By turning off stand by equipment, you can save electricity consumption as well as money on bills (win, win right?). Also, if you have a flickering light or a switch that has become difficult to turn on and off, do get it done as soon as possible from reliable electricians (like Things like TVs and game consoles left on standby mode are massive power consumers, so if you can switch them off at the source, you’ll be saving power and money.
Some household are taking strides to build solar panels into their roof. It means that they can generate their own power, as well as use sustainable energy too. These power saving methods are great for the environment and for your pocket.
- Your Usage
Whether it’s power or water you’re using, it all has a big impact on the environment. If you’re doing a clothes wash or washing up plates, there are some key ways to be more eco-friendly – whatever task you’re doing. If you’re cleaning clothes, try washing at a lower temperature. The more power you can save, the better it is for the environment. Similarly, when you put the dish washer on, always ensure it doesn’t rinse first or dry the plates – by eliminating these functions from the cycle, you save energy and water too.
Using products with less plastic is always good too, the less plastic waste produced means the less that will probably end up in our oceans. Make sure that any plastic you buy is recyclable. Think of the fish! The people of the UK have spoken and said that they want plastic straws banned. Some businesses have already followed suit and replaced their plastic straws with recyclable material.
There are so many little things households can do to help the environment. From big tasks like using products that are economically conscious to little ones like turning appliances and electricals off at the mains. Get rid of standby mode and reduce your usage of water and electricity to give the planet a better future – it’s the only one we’ve got! So, make sure you’re environmentally conscious!