When you have this amount of money, the world is your oyster. You can not only travel whenever you want, and go wherever you want, but you can do things that once seemed only a far-away dream. Among them, touring all the sites on UNESCO World Heritage list, while flying first class and staying in luxury hotels. If you prefer cruising around the world, you can do it! Crystal Serenity has a number of world cruises on its schedule for the next years, and if you want to have total comfort, The Penthouse suite is your best option. It also has a verandah, for you to enjoy your coffee or sip a cocktail with a view, just like a billionaire.
Wondering how you could possibly get this kind of money? With a new set of rules in place, US Powerball is bound to make the headlines really soon with the long-promised $1 billion jackpot.
This infographic was provided to us by us-powerball.com.