Popular tourist destinations have had entire industries pop-up around travel and tourism, but a look beyond the super obvious travel-related industries reveals some very interesting careers which one could go as far as saying were created purely as a result of travel.
Travel Blogger
This is about as obvious as we’re going to get with this list, but travel blogging is worth mentioning because it has taken the now common activity (sometimes for money-generation reasons) into a full time career that can be very rewarding. Travel blogging opens the door up to a whole host of other related careers, such Internet Marketing, Copywriting, Photography, Graphic Design, Web Design, Programming, and lots, lots more.
Tour Guide
Being a Tour Guide is definitely a more conventional career creation of the travel and tourism industry, but by no means is it an obvious one. Some tour guides get really creative with their craft, often leaving eager travellers wondering if they themselves couldn’t quit their regular jobs and do this kind of work. Just imagine what it must be like waking up to go to work every day (fun), for a tour guide that runs guided ghost tours or something similarly bizarre.
Tall Guy
Yes, you read right; Tall Guys are perfect examples of a career created entirely by the travel and tourism sector. Basically in some of those tourist destinations which carry an unlikely mix of great tourism and an element of danger, heedful tourists can hire what is known as a tall guy to help navigate the dangerous areas so that you can still enjoy all the good that a destination labelled to be dangerous has to offer. Basically a tall guy is your streetwise local who has a bit of presence about them – a presence which somehow fends off any trouble you might have drawn had you been travelling solo.
Shadow Photographer
This is a travel-related career which is still in its infancy stages, but one which is growing very rapidly nonetheless. The one we’re referring to specifically is a shadow photographer which is recruited via an Uber-type service. They aren’t always professional photographers, but they basically follow you around and take photographs and perhaps even videos of what you get up to on your travels. Shadow photographers are particularly popular amongst tech-sick travellers who are adhering to strict digital detox practices, as well as those travellers who simply want to fully immerse themselves in the activities without having to worry about pausing for the perfect shot, every so often.
Travel Concierge
Travel Concierge services are mainly for those travellers who have a bit more to spend on their travels and want to do nothing but enjoy their travels. A travel concierge basically handles every organisational aspect of the trip, sometimes joining you as well. Your travel concierge will usually sort every single little detail out, from the booking of your flight and accommodation, to the activities you’re going to take part in. They then simply relay to you where you’ll be going at a particular time and what you’ll be doing.